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See Homepage. This page: Car-related memes using photos from the era of classic and vintage motoring.

Motoring memes.

Old photographs lend themselves to the "meme" treatment, so here are a few, all based on original old photographs that feature vehicles in them of some description.
1937 Dodge - Daddy's car Here a youngster by the name of Bobby Joe Berres, poses alongside a c1937 Dodge. Maybe he did go on to drive a cool car, just like his daddy.
Vintage coach travel Maybe buying a vintage coach or bus does suddenly make you very popular?
Out for a picnic with a Morris 1000 Traveller Picnic time - or perhaps a typical scene at a weekend classic car show in the summer?
Vintage road trip Road trip, vintage style.
Broken down pre-war car A cheesed-off gent attempts to fix his pre-war (1931) Rover Family Ten, while his co-pilot looks on, camera in hand. Thanks for confirming the make John ;)
Flower power carnival car Flower power - this photo dating from May 1935, the location is Sicily.
One swallow does not a summer make Appropriately enough, a Swallow-bodied Austin 7 saloon features in this photo from the 1930s.
A tanker gets its wheels wet A tanker driver takes advice to dip his lorry's clutch a little too literally.
Cars and ponies in the New Forest An E-Series Vauxhall shares the road with equine friends in the New Forest, July 1956.
Sign promotes the opening of the M6 Motorway extension "Primley Motorway 6, looking towards Pleck", so this Kodacolor Print from July 1966 advises. The sign tells of the extension being built to the M6 motorway, linking Birmingham with Preston, which was set to open in 1967.

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