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Motor Racing, 1950s' style.

Who made this 1950's board game isn't clear, as nowhere on the box, the playing board or on the instructions, glued to the inside of the box lid, is the manufacturer actually mentioned. Titled "Motor Racing - An Exciting Road Race For All Boy's & Girl's" (not my apostrophes), this racing game comprises a fold-out game board, small plastic racing cars, and a wooden dice.
The objective is to reach the Winning Post in the Grand Prix, before your competitors obviously. The number of moves made depends on the roll of the dice, and how lucky, or unlucky, the driver is when it comes to negotiating various hazards littered along the course. These include the engine failing to start, a burst tyre, the engine cutting out, oil leaks, a change of plugs required, and crashing out altogether. All in all, a wizard game, to coin a popular phrase of the day.
A 50s motor racing board game
The board is illustrated with two daring drivers going wheel-to-wheel in pursuit of victory, one no doubt being a plucky Brit driving the green car, battling alongside a red machine from Italy.
Return to the car-related games section, where other motoring games - such as Auto-Go from the 1930s and Motor Race by Glevum Games - are described.

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