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1950s British Motorcycle Photographs

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old motorcycle
Here are a further six photos that I found a while back, featuring a group of motorcyclists photographed with their prized machines.

Photos showing these gents with two different Royal Enfields can be found on other pages in this Classic Motorcycle section.

JP3686, the old bike in the top photo and featuring a number of times here, looks like it dates to some time after WW2, and I'm told is a Norton, most likely a c1939 ES2 I'm told.

The fifth photo in this set shows this group of bikers parked up in a layby, taking a breather. In the background of this old black and white photograph is a stately home, and reminds me of Little Moreton Hall, near Congleton. This would tie in nicely with the envelope that was tucked in the album, addressed to a Miss M Phillips of Kidsgrove in Staffs, just a few miles down the A34 from Little Moreton Hall.

What is the bike nearest the camera in the layby - BSA Bantam perhaps??

RE 7486, in the bottom photo, is clearly a BSA, a classic motorcycle built in Birmingham. Its rider looks ready for anything that the British weather can throw at him, wearing substantial waterproof clothing, helmet, and a great pair of pukka goggles. In 2007 Bryn dropped me a note about this particular bike: "After a bit of searching it almost certainly looks like a pre WW2 BSA Blue Star. I believe these bikes to be single cylinder pre-units of 250, 350 and 500cc engines". Thanks Bryn!

Don't forget to look at the rest of my old bike section!! Link at the top of this page.

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