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XJ Jaguars

Silverstone Race
(International Circuit).

The Jaguar Saloon Racing Team.

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Jaguar Racing's newsletter, 25th June 2006.

Dear Friends,

Silverstone saw another great turnout to support the racing and the crowds were not disappointed with the action!! This was the first time on the International circuit so the team had been testing on the Friday.


The quali' session was uneventful apart from Simon had to miss the session due to family commitments, so he would start at the back of the grid! Howard got 3rd and Jim 4th, they were just pipped for pole by Peter Bell.


After a good start by Howard and Jim positions were maintained on the first lap; Bell, North, Howard then Jim. Bell and North tussled in to the hairpin bend before 'Bridge' which gave Howard and Jim a chance to take up position one and two respectively. Jim hounded Howard for a couple of laps but Howard held him at bay. Soon, Bell and North had caught Jim and got by him; Jim's car is still 20% down on power, hopefully this will be sorted by Brands?!

Howard fought both Bell and North off, but eventually Bell got past Howard on the main straight, showing the difference in performance between the two cars!! Howard continued to chase Bell for the rest of the race but could not make any impact. Jim lost one more place to the fast charging Pearce's Mk11, who unfortunately rear ended Jim and caused some damage, Jim decided discretion was the better part of valour and let him pass!!! Howard crossed the line in 2nd place and Jim was 5th.

So, what of Simon? He had started last in position 18 and needed to drive very hard to make up places. Lap after lap he overtook the cars in front of him, moving from last to finish 7th overall, what a drive!!

Howard still maintains his lead in the Class B championship, Jim is 2nd and Simon is 3rd.

Next race is the Brands anniversary spectacular on 15th July.....


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