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See Homepage. This page: A popular car of the 1950s - an Austin A50 Cambridge seen in 1955, plus other A50s.
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1. Austin Cambridge.

These photographs were purchased not so long ago, and all show a newly-delivered Austin A50 Cambridge. Although the numberplate looks like a standard British example, the scenery suggests that the location for these Austin pictures was somewhere out in Empire, rather than back in good old Blighty. Peter sent me an email after visiting this page, and has identified the location as Kenya: "I think the photos were taken in Kenya. I was out there in the late 60's and the plates were yellow by then but still the UK pattern. Also the style of house and the road scene is very Kenyan. I Googled Kenya Number Plates and it seems to fit". Thanks Peter for the info.
A brand new Austin A50 car
The A50 was built from 1954 to 1957, and was an update to BMC's 1200cc A40 saloon, but now benefiting from an enlarged version of the B Series engine, now upto 1489cc. The car shown here was photographed in November 1955 according to notes on the rear of some images, and show the proud owner carefully cleaning and tending to his 'dependable Austin' (more photos from the same batch show the same couple with a VW saloon they bought a year or so later).

washing the Austin The proud owner, wearing shorts on a November's day, cleaning his smart new A50 Cambridge.

Note the very un-British buildings to the rear, confirming my thoughts that this was in Empire somewhere.
A50 interior Almost a promotional shot, showing the Austin's immaculate interior.
Side view of the Austin car Nearside view of the 50's Austin bodywork, both doors wide open. Frontal view of the Austin Cambridge A head-on shot of the Austin A50, registration KFB 464, showing off the car's copious chromework.
Rear view of the Austin parked at the roadside The Austin looking quite grubby, parked at the side of a dusty track. Austin car and the faithful hound The Austin and its 'fearsome' guard dog!

2. Another Austin A50, but in England.

Returning to the Austin's home shores now, and a photograph of Austin A40/A50 Cambridge registration NOY 391. This series ran from January 1955 in the London area, dating the Austin to the early months of that year. The scene could have been captured in virtually any town throughout the land, featuring a smart if un-remarkable semi, with a brick built, flat-roofed, garage with an up-and-over door alongside. On the drive, a Dependable Austin, and alongside a Grandfather (or perhaps the Father...) holding a young child.
(Please click the thumbnail to view full-size image.)
Another Austin A50 Cambridge

3. Austin Cambridge, at the docks.

Quite where this Austin Cambridge was photographed history doesn't relate. It's a RHD example of the A50 Cambridge, British-registered, to which a roof rack and GB plate have been fitted. A driver can be seen sat behind the Austin's steering wheel, waiting for the railway carriages to be withdrawn from the hold of the ship in the background. Can anyone suggest a location for this dock-side scene?
An Austin Cambridge car at the docks

4. A black A50 at rest.

The location of this photograph, and the identity of both the Austin Cambridge and the lady stood in front it, will remain forever a mystery. The car is an Austin A50 (or possibly an A40), original even down to the BMC rosette affixed to the passenger side of the windscreen. Once upon a time I stumbled across a black A50 just like this one, tucked away and covered in decades' worth of muck and grime. The story of that "barn find" Cambridge can be found here.
A black A50 Cambridge

Post-war Austins.

The following compilation now on the OCC Youtube channel draws together a huge collection of original old photographs featuring Austins of the late 1940s through to the 1960s and just into the decade that followed, so essential viewing for anyone with a penchant for the older Austin motor-car. Just click the arrow in the window below to view it.
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