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R. Brockbank book
Several books were compiled by Russell Brockbank in the 1950s and 1960s, featuring collections of his motoring cartoons...
Move Over
Round The Bend
Over The Line
Other cartoon books:
Out Of Gas (Syd Hoff 1954)
Fun postcards
Motoring Postcards.
Over in the postcards section see Page 1 & Page 2 of the cartoon-type motoring postcards, of a type issued between the 1920s and the 1950s.
Ford Model T postcards & poems (2).
Car-toons comics (1967)
Two copies of this rare old US comic book get a mention here, perfect for fans of 60s US auto culture, custom cars, VWs & hot rods!!
Elsewhere on oldclassiccar:
Mickey Mouse Road Safety Hankerchiefs

Motoring Humour

(or 'Humor' for readers in the US..)

Ever since the motorcar spluttered onto the un-made lanes of our pleasant land over 100 years ago, the subject of motoring has been the butt of many jokes and mickey-takes.

In this little corner of OldClassicCar I'll feature some of the old fun stuff that has come to light as I trawl around old bookshops and collectors' fairs. Some things that were perhaps funny 50 years ago, may not be quite so rib-tickling now, but if anything this just highlights how everything changes and evolves over the decades.

Some of the humorous things shown here are plucked from my own small collection of memorabilia, so if you have something that you think would fit in here well, by all means drop me a line and it can be featured here too. More the merrier!

Included are several vintage postcards, the type that has been available in any seaside shop up and down the UK since the year dot. Back in the 20s and 30s even just hinting at romantic 'goings on' was enough to send people into a fit of giggles, hence the gentle humour that some of these postcards embody, without needing to use bad language to raise some mirth.

I'll also be introducing some great old books that contain collections of motor-related cartoons from the 1940s and 1950s. One such artist that is featured, and perhaps one of the best known, is Russell Brockbank, an artist whose work was printed in weekly publications for many many years after the war, right into the 1970s.

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